Media Center

Welcome to the Hutchings Library/Media Center

Meet Mrs. Deurloo

Students and Families can check out what titles we have in our media center by clicking on the link below.  
Hutchings Elementary

Students to place a book on hold please click the link below
Place A Book On Hold
You will need to know your student id & password
Video-How to Place a Book on Hold

Please click the link below for the Hutchings Library/Media Center Policy
Hutchings Library/Media Center Policy & Procedures

Did you know....December 10 is Dewey Decimal System Day
Did you know.....April 4 is National School Librarian Day

Families, check out our partnership with the Howell Carnegie District Library.


All HPS students are able to access these resources with their student ID number as their library card number and a pin number of 1234 to provide an easier way to access online resources & e-materials.  
Click on the link to take you to a quick reference to helpful sites for our students.