Stop By and Visit the Highlander Reading Express Tomorrow
The Highlander Reading Express will be out in Downtown Howell tomorrow, Saturday, September 25, as part of Downtown Day. The Highlander Reading Express will be parked near the historic courthouse on Grand River, giving out free books. Additionally, there will be special offers from downtown businesses and even some give-a-ways.
#OneHowell Committee
To ensure that Howell Public Schools continues to meet the needs of our students today and into the future, the district is forming the #OneHowell committee. The committee will review the district’s current strategic plan and revise it into an adaptive plan to guide the district for the next several years. The plan will align with the district’s Portrait of a Highlander, which outlines the skills and abilities that our students need when they leave Howell Public Schools for the next chapter of their lives. To learn more about the #OneHowell Committee or apply to be a member of it, please visit
Covid-19 Process and Options
With the recent addition of the Livingston County Health Department’s (LCHD) Alternate Quarantine Option and other changes to the quarantine process, the district has completed a document that includes its case identification process and each of the quarantine options approved by LCHD. To view this document, please visit
School Meals and Free and Reduced Meal Applications
Thanks to several USDA waivers, all students will receive school meals for free this year. This applies to full breakfasts and lunches but not ala carte items. While school meals will be free for everyone, it is very important that families who would typically be eligible to receive free or reduced-price school meals still complete a free and reduced meal application. The district receives federal and state funding based on the number of eligible families in the district. Qualifying families may also receive additional benefits, such as discounted college application fees and access to supplemental meal programs. To learn more about these benefits, please visit To complete a free and reduced meal application, please visit
Counselor’s Corner
As we ease into the 2021-2022 school year, we would like to remind you of a program that we offer for our families. All schools in the district participate in a supplemental food program entitled Weekend Survival Kits. A typical kit will contain approximately two weekends’ worth of food servings that are discreetly sent home with students every other Friday throughout the school year. The kits are free to eligible children who currently qualify for free or reduced school meals. Your family must complete a free or reduced price school meal application to participate. The application can be found at
The contents of the food kits vary from month to month. However, some commonly included items are boxes of macaroni & cheese, individual apple sauce servings, peanut butter, oatmeal packets, granola bars, canned soup and fruit snacks. Breakfast items are always a priority in the kits. Additionally, the meals are easy to prepare!
Weekend Survival Kit application forms will be sent home with your child soon. If you are interested in participating in the program, please complete the form and return it to your child’s school. If you have more than one child, you only need to submit this form to one school. There is no need to fill out the form again if you participated in the program last school year. And remember, there is no cost for your family to participate in this incredible program!
If you have any questions, please reach out! Additional information about the Weekend Survival Kit program can be found by visiting
Your Partner in Education,
Sarah Marker
School Counselor