Hutchings Herald Thursday, August 26th 2021 
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Hutchings Herald

Thursday, August 26th 2021

Dear Families,


For those of you who do not know, in addition to being an elementary principal I also coach travel soccer. I’ve been coaching now for 13 years, as the kids come and go I am always excited for the first few games of a new season. I get to meet the new players, figure out new positions, connect with their families, and I can begin to formulate ways to help them grow. However, this past weekend I was caught a bit off guard after our girls won the championship game on penalty kicks. 


As everyone was celebrating the win I saw one player, who had played extremely well all weekend, begin to cry. I walked over to her and asked her what was going on. We won, we should be celebrating. She said, “These aren’t sad tears, these are, I don’t know, happy ones I guess.” I told her that it was okay to cry happy tears because we played some very good teams and it was an emotional couple of games in the heat. She responded back with, “They are happy tears because you and coach Brent believed in me and you let me try playing forward and I just really love playing soccer again.”


This school year is going to be different from previous school years for the vast majority of our students. We have some returning students, some new students, some students who were virtual last year, some students who were in person for the year, and we have students still who are in-person and those who remain in the virtual academy. However, one consistent message we want to send to our students is that while they are here their teachers absolutely believe in them and care about them. 


We are living in a time of change, uncertainty, high emotions, social media, and many other superlatives that you could easily add to the list. However, when your child walks into our building the primary thing I want to convey to them is that at Hutchings you have people who believe in you and care for you. I can tell by the countless amounts of smiles and giggles that we do a pretty good job overall. 


All of that being said I know as adults there are many questions and concerns surrounding Covid. I would be more than happy to dialogue and share information that is available via e-mail or the phone addressing any questions and concerns that you may have. In full transparency, I told my staff if they receive  questions concerning Covid (especially during the day) they are more than welcome to forward the calls and e-mails to me so I can communicate with the families and  they can focus on the students in front of them.


The year is going to be a journey but at the end I have a strong feeling we will have students who tear up at the 5th Grade Graduation slideshow when it is over just like every school year before. We will have many students beg for the year not to end because of the connections they have made with their teachers and friends. At the same time, in their hearts they will forever have the memories made here and be filled with excitement for the next chapter of their lives.


Mr. Moore



School Meals and Free and Reduced Meal Applications 

Thanks to several USDA waivers, all students will receive school meals for free this year. This applies to full breakfasts and lunches but not ala carte items. While school meals will be free for everyone, it is very important that families who would typically be eligible to receive free or reduced-price school meals still complete a free and reduced meal application. The district receives federal and state funding based on the number of eligible families in the district. Qualifying families may also receive additional benefits, such as discounted college application fees. To learn more about these benefits, please visit To complete a free and reduced meal application, please visit


Health and Safety Reminders

As a reminder, students must stay home when showing any signs of illness or when COVID-19 test results are pending. We absolutely must adhere to this precaution to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases in our school. Additionally, while not mandated, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), the Livingston County Health Department (LCHD), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) all recommend the use of a face mask to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in schools. 


No School Friday, August 27

Please remember that there is no school tomorrow, Friday, August 27. Additionally, there is no school on Friday, September 3, or Monday, September 6, for the Labor Day holiday. 



Counselor’s Corner: Refreshing our Social Skills 

Making and keeping friends is an important part of a child's social and emotional development. Friendships help kids build self-esteem and also provide a protective barrier against pandemic stress. Here are some tips for making and keeping friends.


Explore how your child is feeling. You may find that the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 is causing your child to feel alone and isolated. Or, you may find that going back to in-person learning is causing some anxiety. Make a plan to help them develop the social skills they need to tackle those feelings. 


Build conversation skills. From taking turns when talking to asking questions about others, learning how to start and maintain conversations with others is a skill that your child may need to refine. Equip them ahead of time with questions they can ask like "What do you do for fun?" or "Do you have any pets?".


Work on social skills. Remind them to show interest in another person. Showing compassion and concern for other people in a healthy way can open the door to friendship. For instance, your child could make cookies for a friend whose pet is sick or send a card to someone who lost a loved one. Taking time to show someone that you care is a great way to show empathy and meet a potential new friend.


Look for opportunities. Help your child by getting them into an activity with children their age who have similar interests. Activities could include team sports (soccer), individual sports (martial arts), music, art, robotics, scouting, or volunteer programs.


Practice and be prepared. Talking to and making friends is a skill that must be developed. If you're concerned your child will be stressed about meeting new people, bring an ice-breaker—such as a toy, pet, or snacks—to help draw other kids to your child. This is especially helpful if your child is not naturally outgoing.


Here’s to a wonderful year!


Sarah Marker 

School Counselor

Important Dates

  • September 3rd - No School
  • September 6th - No School
  • September 29th - Picture Day

Hutchings Elementary School, 3503 Bigelow Rd., Howell, MI 48855, Phone: 517.540.8081, Fax 517.548.1763

Posted by deurlooj On 26 August, 2021 at 4:10 PM