Hutchings Herald Friday, March, 26th, 2021 
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Hutchings Herald

Friday, March, 26th, 2021

Read-A-Thon & Spring Break


Dear Families,


Well, the Read-A-Thon went amazing and I wanted to say thank you to the PTO and our staff for putting this together and assisting the kids with getting it rolling. I also wanted to thank everyone who assisted the students with their reading and the generous donations to the school which will help bolster events and resources into the future. 


I also wanted to wish everyone a happy Spring Break and I hope you can enjoy the time however your family chooses to celebrate the break. I am forever grateful that our students have had so many great learning experiences this year in-person and virtual and as the end of the year approaches our team is working hard to ensure we end on a positive note.


I want to reiterate the message from Superintendent McGregor about ensuring that we double down on all of our health and safety protocols and follow best public health practices. We each must continue to wear our masks in public, avoid indoor and social gatherings and practice frequent hand washing. Additionally, students must stay home when showing any signs of illness or with COVID-19 test results pending. Since the symptoms of COVID-19 are so similar to other illnesses, we must act as if any illness could be COVID-19. We are in the home stretch of the school year. Let’s all do our part to ensure that we can end the year with in-person learning.     


This is especially important when we return from Spring Break. Please monitor your child and if they are showing symptoms let’s air on the side of caution. I hope my passion for education and your child has shown over these past five years, and, I can promise you with every fiber I have in my body our team is going to do their absolute best with the end of the school year. I just want to make sure we can have that be in-person.


Mr. Moore


Placement Consideration Forms


The Howell elementary schools have a process that allows parents to provide the school information about their child that will assist in the placement of the child through the use of a Placement Consideration Form (PCF).  The form asks that you describe the educational setting, (academics, behavioral and physical), that you would like to have for your children without naming a particular teacher. It is important to be as detailed as possible stating the type of classroom environment that would most benefit your child. Example: structured, relaxed, hands-on, challenging, quiet, teacher-directed, etc.  Please note: When a specific teacher name is written on the form, the form will not be accepted or considered.


PCFs will be available at the school office on Monday, April 5th, 2021, and will be accepted Monday, April 5th, through Friday, April 16th, 2021.



Health and Safety Reminders

As we see the number of cases of COVID-19 once again increasing in our community and state, we must continue to follow our health and safety protocols. During spring break, please be sure to continue to follow best public health practices such as wearing a mask when in public, frequent hand washing, and avoiding large gatherings. As we return from spring break on April 5, it will be imperative that students stay home if they are showing any signs of illness or have COVID-19 test results pending. We all must do our part in following these safety protocols to ensure that we can continue to provide in-person learning to our students. 


Human Reproductive Health Advisory Committee Survey

The Howell Public Schools Human Reproductive Health Advisory Committee is in the process of reviewing the district’s reproductive health education program. To help guide this work, the committee is using a survey provided by the Michigan Department of Education to gather feedback from families. You can take the survey at The survey will be open until Friday, April 9. 


Highlander Aquatic Center and Fitness Center is Open

The district has officially reopened the Highlander Aquatic and Fitness Center. The opening is being done slowly, in phases to allow for partons and staff to become comfortable with new safety measures and systems in place. To view the center’s hours and COVID-19 protocols, please visit


A Parent's Guide to an Enjoyable Spring Break at Home

As parents, we love every minute we get to spend with our kids. But when the daily routines of family schedules—and yes, even that much-needed time we have to ourselves when the kids are not around—are interrupted by Spring Break, some intermittent chaos may ensue. So what’s a parent to do?

Check out some of these top tips:


Stick to your “normal” schedule. While the routine of waking up, getting ready and going to school may not be the same, it’s still a good idea to keep some sort of a schedule during the time off. Stay consistent with breakfast, lunch and dinner times, as well as wake-up times and bedtimes (although having a special movie night and letting the kids stay up an extra hour one night could be a special treat!)


You don’t have to go to Disneyland to have fun. Just because some families travel to the coast to experience Disneyland and enjoy the beach doesn’t mean you have to. With rising travel costs, this can add undue stress and be a financial burden to your family. Check out some of the local staycation deals in your area and take advantage of fun day trips. Staying in town doesn’t have to be boring!

Do something educational. Go to the zoo. Visit the library and find a new book that interests your child. Build a new jigsaw puzzle your family hasn’t done before. Volunteer with a local nonprofit. 


Hang out with your neighbors and other families. Some of the best childhood memories can simply be created by spending quality time with others. Arrange playdates for your kids with their friends who are also staying in town or other kids in your neighborhood (everyone loves a fun Slip ‘N Slide day, building a fort, or playing dress-up). And don’t forget your own family, too! Flying in an out-of-town cousin that your kids don’t get to see very often is an easy way to create a special experience without spending too much money.


Take time for yourself. Take turns with your spouse or significant other during the evening hours when you’re both at home. Have a special “Dad’s Night” with the kids, while mom has a night out with the girls. Or have a fun “Mom’s Night,” while dad heads to catch the NCAA Final Four game with the boys. You could even take turns watching your family friend’s kids one night so they can return the favor and both families get a parents’ night out!

Important Dates

March 29th - April 2nd  - Spring Break


Hutchings Elementary School, 3503 Bigelow Rd., Howell, MI 48855, Phone: 517.540.8081, Fax 517.548.1763

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Posted by deurlooj On 26 March, 2021 at 4:12 PM