When I became the principal of Hutchings Elementary School I was absolutely excited. I couldn’t wait to meet the kids and their families, get to know the staff here at the school, and connect with the community at large. I quickly realized there was something about Hutchings that made me feel at home for the first time in my career. There was this aura around the building and the families that was present filled with happiness and love - because at the core of every individual I met was this deep feeling that everyone cared for every child. It was infectious. We’ve brought new staff members, students, and families; and that level of care for students has transferred to everyone.
I wanted to encapsulate that feeling, that dedication and that love somehow, but was unable to effectively. How do I put into words the teacher who goes to the student’s hockey game to build the connection with the student so writing isn’t so scary? How can I put a number to the crazy excitement people display when a student loses his/her first tooth? Is there a system out there that measures how my staff adapts to my theory of normalizing mistakes as part of the learning process? Not that I am aware of. I finally landed on the fact that numbers would not give the complete picture, but words, perhaps, would. I wanted to launch the slogan, “Welcome To The Pack” with the students, families, and staff here at Hutchings as I feel it encompasses our core values as people.
What Does “Welcome To The Pack” Mean?
“Welcome To The Pack” is our core agreement that everyone we encounter is part of our team. We take in each person, and he/she is immediately part of our family. In our pack every individual is supportive of one another, a leader in his/her own capacity, collaborative, and pulls his/her weight. We pride ourselves on growth over time, happiness, hard work, dedication, passion, and creativity. We do all of this not because it is the easiest avenue for the team, but because we believe it is the right avenue for the team. As a principal, I can guarantee you that I will have hard conversations with students if there is even the slightest chance that the conversation will help them grow. I can also guarantee that you will be hard pressed to find a team as dedicated to your kids as the group we have here.
Your Pack Story
I would love to hear some stories from your perspective about how our pack has impacted your students. Perhaps you have a story about a staff member who helped your child or maybe you chose to come to Hutchings for a specific reason. Maybe your home school was Hutchings; and you saw tremendous growth during his/her time here. These stories are the “why we do the work” and the students' lives tell our journey better than any number. If you are willing to share your own personal pack journey, I would like to incorporate those stories into my staff meetings. I want us to always remember the focus on why we do what we do, which is the students. You can email your story to [email protected].
All the best,
Mr. Moore
Highlander Virtual Enrollment for the 2021-2022 School Year
While we still have about 12 weeks left in this school year, the district is beginning to plan for the 2021-2022 school year. The district plans to continue offering virtual instruction through Highlander Virtual for selected students If you are interested in having your child enroll in Highlander Virtual for the 2021-2022 school year, please complete the application at https://forms.gle/FnVTFWrNsQjDjFyh7. Applications must be received by Friday, March 26, 2021.
Health and Safety Reminders
While the number of COVID-19 cases in our state is decreasing, we must continue to remain vigilant with our health and safety protocols. If students are showing any signs of illness, they should stay home from school. Additionally, if for any reason a student is tested for COVID-19, they should not attend school while those test results are pending. Please continue to complete the student daily self-screening included in the Livingston County Health Department’s Back to School Toolkit each morning before sending your child to school. The Livingston County Health Department’s Back to School Toolkit can be found at https://bit.ly/2MTvKZJ. Lastly, please continue to follow best public health practices such as wearing a mask when in public, frequent hand washing, and avoiding large gatherings.
Attention Fifth Grade Parents
Before you know it your students will be moving on to Middle School. We wanted to make you aware of some important upcoming dates. The Middle school principals (Mrs. Melanie Post - Highlander Way Middle School Principal, Mrs. Trish Poelke - Parker Middle School Principal) will be visiting all fifth-grade classes on April 7th. Before the visit, students will be watching a video created by Mrs. Post and Mrs. Poelke, that will go over the changes to expect in the transition to middle school and some things they can start doing now to prepare. They will review how the middle school day is structured and the encore class choices. During the visit, the principals will answer questions from students. A fifth-grade parent night will be held virtually on Thursday, April 8th at 6:00 p.m. The links to the webinars will be sent out closer to the date. If you are interested in transferring to the middle school that is not your assigned school, you will need to fill out an Intra-District Transfer Request Form by Friday, March 26th. This will ensure that the committee can meet and notify parents prior to the elementary school visits and parent night.
Counselor's Quick Tip
Are you in search of resources on reading and learning? Or are you facing some parenting questions and looking for answers? Maybe you are in search of food or other important items for your family like clothing, diapers, or cable? Perhaps you’re searching for fun activities for your family?
Look no further! Be sure to check out our 2020-2021 Resources and Opportunities From Your K-12 School Counselors!
In addition to the items listed above, this resource also offers tips and resources on emotional support, COVID-19 information, general assistance, employment opportunities, and more!
In addition to this resource, please feel free to reach out to me with any needs that your student or family may have.
Sarah Marker