Hutchings Herald Friday, November, 13th, 2020 

Hutchings Herald

Friday, November, 13th, 2020



            I wanted to take a moment and express my thanks to everyone who reached out with well wishes during my quarantine time. I am experiencing no symptoms and the process of making sure everyone involved in the quarantine from the Health Department and Howell Schools was fantastic. My return date is set as November 25th, which is the start of Thanksgiving Break therefore I will not be in the building until after Thanksgiving.


            We did have a plan incase something like this occurred and our team at Hutchings did a phenomenal job with the transition. Lisa Harde will be at the school as an acting administrator and I will be remote, but available at all times. If you need to reach me directly, I have tied my office phone to my cell phone so I can still receive calls and I am always around to answer e-mails.


All the best,

Mr. Moore



Second Semester Enrollment Change Window Ends Today 11/13/20 at 10 p.m.

The district’s second-semester enrollment window ends today, Friday, November 13, at 10 p.m. If you wish to change your child’s enrollment for the second semester (Highlander Virtual to in-person or vice versa), you must complete the enrollment change form, which can be found at by the 10 p.m. deadline. Some families had contacted us to rescind their enrollment change request based on the rising COVID-19 cases. If you wish to rescind your enrollment change request, please complete the form again.


Health and Safety Reminders

The current increase in community spread of COVID-19 is impacting our district. While schools remain very safe, and thanks to our strict safety protocols and mitigation strategies, we have not seen the transmission of COVID-19 in our schools. However, we are seeing an increase in students testing positive for COVID-19 based on interactions outside of school. To help ensure that our schools can remain open for in-person instruction, we must all continue to follow good public health practices such as frequently washing our hands, avoiding large and social gatherings, wearing a mask when around others, and staying home when displaying any signs of illness. Remember that if anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, your child should not attend school. Additionally, if your child has been tested for COVID-19 for any reason, they should not attend school while their test results are pending. Lastly, please remember to complete the daily student self-screener, which can be found in the Livingston County Health Department Back to School Toolkit at


Meal Distribution and Free School Meals Reminder

Each week the Howell Public Schools Food Service Department holds two meal kit distribution events. The first is on Tuesday’s from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Howell High School loading dock, and the second is on Thursday’s from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. near the main entrance to Three Fires Elementary off Crooked Lake Road. The meal kits are free and available to any family with children under the age of 18. Also, please remember that due to federal waivers, all school meals are free this year. While all school meals are free, it is still important to complete a Free and Reduced Meals application if your family qualifies. The Free and Reduced Meals application can be found at


Job Openings at Howell Public Schools

Howell Public Schools currently has several job openings in its Food Service Department and for education aides in schools around the district. To view the district’s current job opportunities, please visit


Important Dates

  • Wednesday November 25th - Thanksgiving Break Begins
Posted by deurlooj On 13 November, 2020 at 6:30 PM