I sat down to write my bi-weekly letter to families and my mind went directly to Covid-19. I had something written about not seeing my folks and how that experience has impacted my life, but then I realized that there is a group of Kindergarten parents, and parents new to the school, who for this entire year have really only gotten emails from me pertaining to Covid-19. I need to change it up: Covid-19 is not the normal for Hutchings Elementary School and I want to get back on track.
For those of you who are new to us this year Hutchings Elementary School is about family. Our school has a lot of staff members' own personal children who go here and it’s pretty common for them to become best friends regardless of their grade level. Our teachers, our support staff, our custodial staff, and myself aim to treat every student as if they are our own kid. I make it a point to go to every classroom, every single day and say hi to the students for no other reason than I feel it’s important for them to know that their principal cares about them. I know my teachers have secret handshakes, inside jokes, funny sayings, and morning meetings to learn about their interests.
As I type this letter I am looking at my door, which was taken over by the Begindergarten students, and I am looking at the names of our littlest learners. I can tell you something unique about each one of the names on my door, how they learn, what makes them laugh, and what makes them cry. Fun fact - if you go above and beyond with excitement when they show you a book, they are going to smile ear to ear. Also if they are scared of a bee outside, just pretend to be more scared than they are and ask them to protect you from the bee, they will find it hilarious. I know my teachers can do the same with all of the students in their classroom as well, because that is what we do.
I told my staff that my goal for the students this year is to leave happy, healthy, and learn as much as they can. I got the reaction about how great of a goal that is for Covid-19 from staff, but in reality that is my goal every single year. I want Hutchings to be a place where kids are excited to come, where they feel loved, and where they can learn as much as they can during their tenure here.
Towards the end of 5th grade I always jokingly tell the 5th students that if there is one thing they remember from their time here at Hutchings it is how smart and tall their elementary principal was. Then I tell them, if there are two things you can remember it should be that Hutchings is a place filled with people who love and care for them more than they will ever know. Normally they smile because they feel it to be true.
Covid-19 is absolutely important this year, and I am dedicating a plethora of brain power to dealing with it. However, it is not the most important thing. The most important thing are the students whose names we have on our doors, in our minds, and on our hearts.
Elementary School Conferences:
If you have not connected with your child's classroom teacher about conferences for this school year please send them an e-mail to secure a time for October 22nd or 29th. The conferences will be virtual this year (zoom or phone call) so they will have to share their link with you.
USSDA Free Meals for Kids Extended for Entire School Year
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it has extended several waivers regarding school meals through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. This means that all students purchasing a full breakfast or lunch at school will not be charged. The waivers will also allow the district to provide free meal kits to families with children under the age of 18. The kits will include seven days of breakfast and lunch items. Distribution of the kits will take place each Tuesday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the circle drive on the northside of Howell High School, and each Thursday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the bus lot at Three Fires Elementary off Latson Road. For more information, please visit https://bit.ly/3lQxKOJ.
Food Service Job Openings
The Howell Public Schools Food Service Department has job openings at several schools around the district. To learn more about these positions, please call Sharon Lenard at 517-540-8344 or visit https://bit.ly/3jLcw4j.
Counselor’s Quick Tip
October is College Month! To encourage our students to think about their futures, our District is celebrating College Month throughout the month of October! At the elementary level, this means we have been having a College Spirit Wear Day every Friday and all teachers have a banner outside of their classroom celebrating where they earned their degrees from. Later this month, students will also hear a story called I Can Be Anything! inviting them to think about their interests and hobbies.