Hutchings Herald 5-8-2020 

Hutchings Herald 5-8-2020

The Principal's Corner:

2020-2021 Placement Consideration Form

The Howell elementary schools have adopted a process that allows parents to provide the school with information about their child that will assist in the placement of the child through the use of a Placement Consideration Form (PCF).  The form asks that you describe the educational setting, (academics, behavioral and physical), that you would like to have for your child without naming a particular teacher.  We do not accept specific teacher requests.  It is important to be as detailed as possible stating the type of classroom environment that would benefit your child.  If you would like to complete this form, please email Tim Moore [email protected]. The link to the form will then be emailed to you.  PCF forms will be accepted through Friday, May 15th.   

Meal Kit Distribution Information 

The district's next meal kit distribution is scheduled for Monday, May 11, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the circle drive on the north side of Howell High School. Additionally, the district continues to offer delivery for families who lack transportation to pick up meal kits. To request delivery, please visit All requests for delivery will need to be submitted by 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 10. This will allow the Food Service and Transportation Departments to plan for the deliveries.


Continuity of Learning Plan Parent Survey

In his updates this week, Superintendent MacGregor shared information about the district's Continuity of Learning Plan survey. If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to do so. You can access the survey at The survey will be available until Wednesday, May 13, at 4 p.m.

Virtual Coffee Chat with Superintendent MacGregor

On Wednesday, May 20, at 1 p.m., Superintendent MacGregor will host a Virtual Coffee Chat. During the Coffee Chat, he will provide updates on the 2019 Capital and Safety Bond projects that will take place this summer as well as discuss the budgeting process for the next school year. Additionally, there will be a time for district stakeholders to ask any questions that they may have about the district. The Virtual Coffee Chat will be hosted using Zoom Meetings. You will be able to access the meeting at (ID: 81593765805, password: NJsCQ8ozL3). 

Begindergarten/Kindergarten and New Student Registration

While our Registration Office is currently closed, you may still register incoming begindergarten and kindergarten students online at Additionally, new students can be enrolled at On these sites, you can complete all of the registration forms. When our Registration Office re-opens, we will work to collect the documents required to complete the registration process.

Tech Support and Loaner Devices

If your family is in need of a device for remote learning or if you have other technology-related questions, support is available by calling 314-635-0638 Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. We ask that you only request a loaner device if your family is truly in need of one so that we can distribute devices as quickly and efficiently as possible to those who do not currently have a home device. Following the Governor's Stay at Home Order, technology support is only available remotely.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

According to the National Alliance of Mental Health, one in five adult Americans at some time in their life struggles with mental health. The goals of Mental Health Awareness Month are to fight stigma, provide support, educate the public, and advocate for support for those who must cope with mental health and their families. Just as we work on keeping our bodies healthy, we must work on keeping our minds healthy. After all, the body and the mind are interconnected.  

During this time of uncertainty, it is especially important to take care of our own mental health and to model healthy coping skills for our children. Stress, anxiety, fear, and loneliness are more prevalent for everyone - children and adults - due to COVID-19.   Here are some self-care strategies:


Take Care of Your Mind

  • Do not focus on things out of our control. Because we cannot change them, we have to move on from them.  We have to take that energy and put it towards the things we can control like how we spend time with our children.
  • Keep a set routine.  It is important to keep a regular bedtime, mealtime, and work/school schedule, attend to hygiene and exercise.  Be sure to include activities that are enjoyable.  Realize that it is okay to give yourself a pass when needed.  
  • Limit exposure to news media. It can heighten fears, so take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories.
  • Focus on positive thoughts. Begin each day by listing the good things in your life and end each day by listing the good things that happened that day. Try to keep problems in perspective and stay hopeful!
  • Set priorities. Make reasonable goals for the day and write out a checklist to achieve them. Don’t overwhelm yourself with big projects. Take it step-by-step. 
  • Challenge yourself to stay in the present. Don’t worry about what might never happen. Take a moment and engage in some mindfulness activities. For example, be aware of your sensory perceptions at that moment and name them (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures).
  • Connect with others. Stay in touch through technology with friends and family.  Do something nice for someone else. For example; make a card, drop off groceries, etc.

Take Care of Your Body

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Participate in regular physical activity (yoga, dancing, exercise, etc.). Try to enjoy the outdoors on a daily basis. It helps reduce anxiety and improve your mood.
  • Eat healthy.  Eat a balanced diet. Limit caffeine; it can increase anxiety.
  • Limit screen time.  Make a conscious effort to spend less time in front of a screen (TV, phone, computer) especially before bedtime.
  • Relax and recharge.  Put aside a few minutes each day to set the recharge button.  Do mediation, read a book, breathing exercises, etc.  Select a technique that works for you and practice it regularly.  


If you need resources or supports, please reach out to me anytime through email at [email protected] or phone at (248) 587-7904 during my office hours: Monday-Thursday from 12:00-1:30 PM. 


Your partner in education,

Sarah Boyd



Posted by deurlooj On 08 May, 2020 at 1:39 PM