Hutchings Herald 12-6-2019 

Hutchings Herald 12-6-2019

The Principal's Corner:

When I taught fourth/fifth grade, I used to do a holiday activity with the students about origami cranes. I would talk to the students about how the bird was a symbol for many things, but it represented something different in each culture. For example, in the Japanese culture, the crane represents peace and happiness, but in Greek culture, the crane represents joy and love. I would share with them that the common belief among all cultures is that if someone folded 1,000 cranes, one wish would come true. 

We would talk about the wish that we would hope to come true, and I was always amazed that the students, for the most part, would pick a dream that was a benefit to someone other than themselves. They would hope that their parents had a great holiday or that kids who were sick would get better. We would all fold paper cranes around Thanksgiving, and I told the kids that I would put each paper crane on my tree at home and when I put the child’s specific crane on the tree I would think of him/her and hope each wish came true. It was a way for me to slow down and remember that even 5th graders are still young people who have really complex thoughts and feelings. It also was a great reminder for me that each day I need to connect with my students to let them know how much I cared for them. 

I ran into a former student the other day at soccer, and he asked me if as a principal I still did the origami crane lesson and put the cranes on the tree. I told him that I got away from it a bit because the holiday season as a principal is pretty crazy busy. Then, he put me in my place, which I am super proud of him for! He said, “You told me once that people make time to do exactly what they want to do, so if you want to slow down and connect with origami cranes, you easily could.” I’ll be the first to admit it is a pretty humbling experience to have your former student be spot on with life advice that you gave him in fourth grade. 

However, he was right, and I do want to take time this holiday season to slow down and reflect on the students here. I want to sit at home, look at a crane with a student’s name on it and remember how I’ve specifically tried to connect with him/her and why he/she is special. Unfortunately for me, I do not have access to teach each child how to make an origami crane, but I thought it might be a fun holiday assignment for families to do at home. If your family would like to make a crane, put the student’s name on it, and bring it to the office, I would love the opportunity over the next month to hang them up on my tree. 

I used to tell the students that I really didn’t care if the crane was the “perfect crane” because folding them takes years of practice. I told them that each one of us is different, just like the cranes we make, but just because one crane has sharp edges and one has curvy edges, the meaning and message doesn’t change - it still is special to me. 

I added a YouTube Video on how to make one if you’re interested.

All the best,

Mr. Moore



December 13th   

Get in the festive mood by dressing up in your favorite holiday gear

Holiday Cheer Day

December 20th 

Celebrate the release of the final chapter of the Skywalker Saga 

Star Wars Day

* Please check the weather to make sure students are properly dressed for outside recess*


MacGregor's Message:

Howell Baseball Clinics

The Howell High School baseball program is offering two baseball clinics this winter. The clinics are open to children ages 6-13 and will cover all aspects of the game. Participants will rotate through hitting, pitching, fielding and agility stations. To learn more please visit


Counselor’s Corner

The holidays are just around the corner!   While the holidays can be filled with hustle, bustle, and merriment, they can also infuse schedule changes, travel, and special events to our already busy lives.  Staying well-rested can help us all stay healthy and happy during the holiday season!

According to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, children ages 6-12 need 9-12 hours of sleep per night, teens require 8-10 hours, and adults benefit from at least 8 hours of sleep per night.  Adequate sleep can lift our mood, reduce stress, and boost immunity.  Certainly, we all want to celebrate the holidays feeling happy, stress-free, and steering clear of illnesses!

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation lists the following tips to help us stay well-rested this holiday season:

  • Try to keep a consistent schedule. Have your family go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on holiday breaks.
  • If you are planning to travel to a time zone that is to the east of ours, have your family go to bed and wake up a little earlier than usual.   If you are planning to travel to a time zone that is to the west, go to sleep and wake up a little later than usual.
  • Avoid caffeine after lunchtime and large meals right before bed.
  • If you want to nap over the holiday break, experts say that a 20-minute nap is the best amount of time to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go.
  • Turn down the temperature at bedtime (even though it may be cold outside).  We sleep better when the room temperature is between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit (65-70 degrees for babies and toddlers).
  • Stay active over the holidays!  Try activities like skiing, skating, or sledding… or even walking around the mall to gift shop!   

...and if you’re looking for some holiday gifts to promote healthy sleep and a relaxing bedtime routine, here are a few fun ideas!

  • Fuzzy socks or slippers
  • Cozy pajamas
  • Eye mask
  • Soft blanket or stuffed animal
  • Bath kit (with lavender, bubble bath, etc.)
  • Night light
  • Travel pillow
  • Journal/book for winding down before going to sleep

Wishing you a healthy, warm, and restful holiday season!

Your partner in Education,

Sarah Boyd

Hutchings Elementary, 3503 Bigelow, Howell, MI 48855
Phone: 517-548-1127, Fax: 517-548-1763

Posted by deurlooj On 11 December, 2019 at 11:43 AM